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Oscars 2020: Which Celebrities Played Leading Roles in the Broadcast?

These stars won the most screen time during the Academy Awards.

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Oscars 2020: Which Celebrities Played Leading Roles in the Broadcast?

South Korean filmmaker Bong Joon Ho—who took the stage as a winner four times for the film Parasite—earned the most time on screen during Sunday night's telecast of the Academy Awards, according to data from Hive's Celebrity Model. The remainder of the top 10 consisted of winners (Joaquin Phoenix, Brad Pitt, Laura Dern), presenters (Steve Martin, Chris Rock, Kristin Wiig, Maya Rudolph), and some celebs wearing multiple hats (Elton John as a winner and performer; Taika Waititi as a winner and presenter).

Read more from Hive

Who Was Seen and What Was Said During the 2020 Academy Awards

Read more AI-powered insights on what was seen and said during this year’s Academy Awards.

Dan Calpin is president of Hive Media and a senior advisor with Bain & Company. Dan is based in Los Angeles and was a founding partner of Bain Media Lab. Laura Beaudin leads Bain Marketing Excellence and is based in San Francisco. Andre James leads Bain's Global Media & Entertainment practice. Andre is based in Los Angeles and was also a founding partner of Bain Media Lab.

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