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How we can help

Behavior Change

Identifying behavior changes that get results is the easy part. The challenge? Activating and sustaining them. Our science-based approach helps teams work together to remove friction and create meaningful reinforcement, strengthening key behaviors across your organization.

Behavior Change

Traditional techniques to encourage behavior change, such as communications, training, and nudges, often fail to make new habits stick. Using people-centered methodologies grounded in behavioral science, we engage teams so that adopting new behaviors feels natural and soon becomes second nature.

By determining which business objectives can only be achieved through behavior change, we will help you prioritize, focusing on specific employee groups and behaviors. Insights and pattern recognition reveal which changes will have the most impact. But pinpointing the most significant behavior changes doesn’t mean they’ll become habitual—the pull of conflicting influences, distractions, and motivations is strong. That’s when we deploy our Moments of Truth toolkit.

Moments of truth are pivotal occasions when choosing a specific behavior is crucial but competing factors make it difficult to take the desired action. Working with you, we design a roadmap to establish behavior change enablers and address friction, so completing the changed behavior is easier and more fulfilling. Enlisting team members as co-creators of solutions imparts a sense of ownership, building commitment to and excitement about practicing the new behaviors. 

Our proprietary Behavior Sprints move teams from theory to practice and are enabled by digital feedback loops. Our approach enables people to safely try a new behavior and embed it in their daily work, combining the power of personal agency and self-development with team-based support to accelerate change.   

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