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Launch Strategies to Help Cut through the Noise

In an oversaturated landscape, making a big splash is more important than ever.


Launch Strategies to Help Cut through the Noise
Launch Strategies to Help Cut through the Noise
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Пять шагов для запуска нового продукта

В медийном шуме крайне сложно запускать новые продукты, функции и бренды. Вот какие компетенции необходимо совершенствовать маркетологам, чтобы успешно выводить на рынок новые продукты.

Research conducted and prepared in collaboration with Twitter

Research conducted and prepared in collaboration with Twitter

Twitter is what’s happening in the world and what people are talking about right now. From breaking news and entertainment to sports, politics, and everyday interests, see every side of the story. Join the open conversation. Watch live-streaming events. Available in more than 40 languages around the world, the service can be accessed via twitter.com, an array of mobile devices, and SMS. For more information, please visit about.twitter.com, follow @Twitter, and download both the Twitter and Periscope apps at twitter.com/download and periscope.tv.


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Мы помогаем мировым лидерам бизнеса решать самые сложные проблемы и находить наилучшие возможности. Работая вместе, мы добиваемся устойчивых положительных изменений и результатов.