Eric Thompson


Biografie Eric

Eric Thompson is a member of our Performance Improvement practice. He has more than 25 years' experience in interim management, turnarounds, cross-border financial and operational transformation, serving debtors and creditors of underperforming, stressed and distressed companies.

He is one of the few turnaround experts in the world to have CEO, Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) and Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) mandates in Asia across a broad range industries.

Prior to joining us in 2019, Eric was a partner with a leading global consulting firm, where he served as CTO of a Southeast Asian telecommunications operator, CTO of a large regional petrochemical business and CTO of an integrated Australasian oil and gas producer.

Eric has also held numerous CEO positions, including CEO of Rubicon Offshore International (Oslo-listed), CEO of G and GJ Steel (Thailand-listed), CEO of semiconductor assembler ASAT Holdings (Nasdaq-listed) and CEO of Daka Designs (SGX-listed).

Eric is also a senior advisor volunteer at Rainmaker Conservation Costa Rica.

He holds an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, as well as a bachelor’s degree from Duke University.

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