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Sobre Francine

My name is Francine. I started in the Amsterdam office and was there for two years until I transferred to San Francisco.

Throughout my experience at Bain, the cases I've worked on have been very global. I've worked for an alcoholic beverages client in the UK, for a financial services client in Ireland and for an industrial goods client in Italy. And I've done a lot of different projects on the West Coast of the United States, all the way from Portland and Boise to Vegas and Phoenix.

"I was very open to being staffed on different industry cases and capability cases. Whether it was tech, retail, IT, marketing or strategy, I wanted to be a part of it all."

For me, the big thing about coming to Bain was expanding my learning. Coming in, I was very open to different kinds of cases, and I really got to see a breadth of work.

I think thriving at Bain is all about knowing what gives you energy for the job and what takes away energy, and being able to manage what you're working on and who you're working with. Here, you're surrounded by a strong support network, so that you can really focus on the things that give you energy and that will help you and your team reach full potential.