
Seven things you need to know about marketing in the 21st century

Seven things you need to know about marketing in the 21st century

What you think you know about marketing might be wrong.

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Seven things you need to know about marketing in the 21st century

The world has moved on. Marketing in the 21st century is all about delivering the customer experience. Future generations of consumers will have more discretionary income, less time and more choices, and will display wholly new spending patterns, depending on age, geography and wealth. What customers want in this cross-category world is a customer experience, not just a product. And they're not impressed by most of what's currently on offer. When Bain & Company recently surveyed 362 firms, it found that 80% believed they delivered a "superior experience" to their customers. When customers were asked, it was a very different story: they said that only 8% of companies were really delivering.

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