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About Bain

Social Impact

Social Impact

Our mission is to partner with the most innovative and high-impact organizations to develop and scale transformative solutions to the world’s most important challenges​.

Social Impact

We partner with organizations that have pioneered and scaled models of change that demonstrably work, but which often lack access to the type of strategic consulting that Bain can provide to help them reach full potential.

This is why our 10-year commitment to invest $1.1 billion in pro bono consulting work by 2025 is so important.

Our Focus Areas

Our Focus Areas

Our pro bono work brings Bain’s talent, expertise, and insight to organizations tackling today’s urgent challenges in education, racial equity and social justice, food systems, economic development, and the environment.

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We drive inclusive upward mobility through education.

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Economic Development

We foster inclusive economic growth by leveraging markets and enterprise models​.


Energy and Carbon Transition

We help our clients scale up the energy system of the future and decarbonize the system of today.


Racial Equity and Social Justice

We promote equity and justice for historically disadvantaged populations.

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Food Systems and Nature

We help our clients build sustainable, inclusive, and healthy food systems that protect our planet.

Private Equity for Good

Discover Greater Share, an innovative philanthropic investment model that harnesses the expertise of the world’s top-performing private equity managers and high-impact NGOs to address complex global challenges.

Learn about Greater Share



We are ​driving change in all pillars through our flagship collaborations.

People in Action

People in Action

Bainies across the globe give their time and talent to make a difference. These are a few of the ways our people take action beyond casework.

Bainies can rally around issues they are passionate about by joining one of our global affiliation groups.

The Global Development Network (GDEV) is a grassroots network that connects and mobilizes hundreds of Bainies who share a passion for global development. The network holds knowledge-building events and offers opportunities for Bainies to support developing-market social enterprises.

Bain’s Green Teams leverage office-level “green communities”—Bainies who are passionate about reducing our environmental impact—to champion sustainability strategies. These employee-led teams identify and implement environmentally sustainable practices in their local offices and share best practices globally.

Bain is proud to share that we have led the industry as a 100% CarbonNeutral Company since 2012, offsetting all emissions, including client travel.

Another opportunity for Bainies to make a difference is through nonprofit casework. Through these "Extra 10%" projects, volunteer teams provide consulting advice to nonprofits and social enterprises.

We have led hundreds of Extra 10% cases over the past few years, providing unique professional development opportunities while positively impacting local communities.

Social impact externships provide our people with deep, hands-on experience working for a wide variety of NGOs, social enterprises and public sector organizations around the world.

We provide opportunities to work with our key partner organizations, such as Acumen, Endeavor, Ethiopian Agribusiness Accelerator Platform and KIPP. Externs can also work with alternative organizations based on the causes they are personally passionate about. Our externs support critical strategic projects and drive meaningful results—this past year we received a 100% Net Promoter Score from our extern partner organizations.

We embrace a grassroots tradition of fostering entrepreneurial community service, encouraging employees to rally for the causes they care most about.

Bain offers several opportunities to volunteer with our community partners, including office-wide Community Impact Days, which are hosted by most offices around the globe.

Let's Go Further

We’re bringing the full force of our talent and expertise to create a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive world.

See how

Thought Leadership


An integrated approach that connects sustainability to your strategy—and to results


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