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Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast

Dual-Sector Expertise with Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe

In the second part of our interview series with WCAS, we explore how they “co-cover” the healthcare and tech industries.


Dual-Sector Expertise with Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe

On the previous episode of Dry Powder, I asked two of the leading investors at Welsh, Carson, Anderson & Stowe (WCAS) how they go about succession planning. Today on the show, we turn our attention to the firm’s unique approach to sector expertise. WCAS may be one of the only private equity firms out there that evenly splits its deals between healthcare and tech.

You can listen to this episode of Dry Powder and catch future episodes by subscribing on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsSpotify, YouTube, or wherever you may listen.

“It’s just a really naturally complementary and mutually beneficial strategy to pursue both these industries with separate but highly collaborative teams,” Mike Donovan, head of WCAS’s Technology Group, tells me.

I’ll ask how they seamlessly share insights and resources across the deal life cycle. Moreover, we’ll examine the unique investment opportunities that arise at the intersection of healthcare and tech.

“We think of it as somewhat of a sweet spot between diversification and focus,” says Brian Regan, head of the Healthcare Group.


The Private Equity Podcast

In our podcast series, Bain's Hugh MacArthur interviews leading experts on the trends and opportunities that will redefine the private equity industry.


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