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Fighting Fire with Water—from Channel Conflict to Confluence

Fighting Fire with Water—from Channel Conflict to Confluence

Some retailers are paralyzed into inaction by fear of cannibalizing their existing business.

  • min read


Fighting Fire with Water—from Channel Conflict to Confluence

Some retailers are paralyzed into inaction by fear of cannibalizing their existing business; others have been tempted by potential market valuations into creating a spin-off without a coherent channel strategy; and most have been mesmerized by pure plays into thinking there is only one way to compete—on price.

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Έτοιμοι να μιλήσουμε

Συνεργαζόμαστε με φιλόδοξους ηγέτες που θέλουν να καθορίσουν το μέλλον και όχι. Όχι να κρυφτούν από αυτό. Μαζί, επιτυγχάνουμε πετυχαίνουμε εξαιρετικά αποτελέσματα.