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Zhenling Chen

About Zhenling

Tell us about your work journey.

I joined a Japanese think tank as a new graduate and worked for several years on projects for government agencies and corporations. In order to explore new possibilities for different industries and functions, I decided to join Bain. Since joining Bain, I have been strongly impressed by the opportunity to work directly with people at the CXO level and experience their decision-making process and leadership style firsthand.

Why did you decide to join Bain?

During the recruiting process, I was really impressed by how friendly and approachable every Bainie I have met was. It was so easy to connect with them and I immediately knew that I want to work with these fabulous colleagues. Also, the attitude of "Let's deepen our discussions as a team and solve the problems together" in the case interview was truly refreshing and made me feel at ease.

Tell us the Bain project you were involved in that makes you the proudest.

Recently, I have worked on a Japanese traditional company's business portfolio transformation and new business establishment project. Initially, my counterpart, who had a bitter past experience with another firm, was hesitant to take our proposals seriously. However, by conveying our ideas based on Bain's past experiences and maintaining open communication with the client, we gradually gained their trust and cooperation. In the end, they became are liable partner, and we were able to work as One team with the client. Bain's strong commitment to bringing out the full potential of the client and relentlessly pursuing results was evident in this project. It was a journey full of laughter and tears, but I strongly felt this commitment throughout.

Describe your experience as a member or ally of affinity groups.

I am a member of the Women at Bain team. Gender diversity is one of our strategic priorities in the Tokyo office, and we are committed to fostering an environment where women can thrive and succeed. As a Women at Bain member, I have had the opportunity to participate in various programs aimed at empowering our female colleagues, including training sessions, sponsorship programs. I am honored to be a part of a community that promotes these women to reach their full potential and shine as leaders.

What should candidates know?

Bain was the perfect environment for me to continue to learn among exceptional colleagues while driving significant and transformative change for our valued clients.  I believe that Bain offers unparalleled professional development opportunities for aspiring individuals to advance their careers.

Zhenling's Career Story

"It's a chance to directly influence the decision-making of c-suite executives.”