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ShopTalk US 2022

ShopTalk US 2022

We are excited to participate and partner with Shoptalk this year.

Bain & Company is very pleased to be attending and presenting at Shoptalk US – a highlight of this year’s Big Reunion for retailers, brands, start-ups, investors, and other companies eager to learn about, and shape, the future of retail.

We also are excited to partner with Shoptalk on their inaugural ATLIS Awards, which recognizes retailers’ achievements in transformation, leadership and impact on sustainability. The awards will recognize retailers and brands that are taking exemplary actions when it comes to: Reducing Waste, Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Prioritizing Customer Health & Wellness, Fair Sourcing, and Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace.

Read more about our commitment to sustainability.

Below we present some of our recent research and thought leadership on the most critical issues and opportunities facing retailers today.

Our Speakers

Our Panel of Judges for the ATLIS Awards

Retail and Sustainability Infographic: The Supply Chain Opportunity

Retailers’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) progress has the potential to accelerate.

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