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Chris Jones

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Chris Jones is a member of our Advanced Manufacturing & Services and Performance Improvement practices.

He has extensive experience working with leading aerospace OEMs and suppliers, as well as with several large commercial airlines. His work centers on supply chain strategy, operations, and large-scale cost transformations. His case portfolio also includes several diligences within our Private Equity Group, as well as strategy work for large energy and retail clients.

Chris spent 8 months as a consultant in Bain's Paris office in 2019. He also leads Wharton MBA recruiting efforts for Texas.

Before joining Bain, Chris was an associate at Pacific Investment Management Company (PIMCO) in Newport Beach, California and in London. Prior to that, he was an economist with TD Bank Group in Toronto, Canada. He also spent time at Crossboundary, a Washington, D.C.-based frontier market investment advisory firm, in Bamako, Mali.

Chris holds an MBA and MA in international studies from The Wharton School and The Lauder Institute of the University of Pennsylvania, a MA in economics from Queen's University in Canada, and an undergraduate degree from Princeton University. He and his wife live in Houston, Texas.

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