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Marcos Bargallo



FS leader with a track record of delivering large transformations, with a strong intersection between Op Model and Performance Improvement



  • Insurance Claims specialist
  • Australia sustainability champion
  • 10+ years of firm experience across ANZ and South America

Marcos Bargallo is a member of Bain's Financial Services practice.

Marcos specializes in financial services, with additional experience in Private Equity. He works with clients to address topics including strategy, organization and performance improvement.

He has nearly 12 years of management consulting experience across South America and ANZ. Marcos joined Bain's Buenos Aires office in 2010 and has also worked in the firm's Brazil office.

He holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Industrial Engineering from the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology.

Marcos is married with three children. In his spare time time, Marcos enjoys travelling, cooking and reading as well as a number of sports including soccer, rugby, tennis, squash, golf and skiing. 

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