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Kukhyoe Koo

Партнер, Seoul


Kuk-Hyoe Koo is a member of our Private Equity practice.

As a leading member of our private equity group, he has extensive experience in commercial due diligence, post-merger integration, and value creation for portfolio companies of private equity funds. He has also served clients in industries including industrial goods, construction and engineering, heavy industries, auto parts, consumer products, and retail.

He has covered a broad array of topics and capabilities including corporate vision and growth strategy, global sales & marketing strategy, performance improvement, and change management.

He joined us as an associate consultant in 2007.

He earned his MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He graduated with a B.A. in Business Economics and International Relations, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, and Omicron Delta Epsilon, from Brown University.

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