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How we can help

ARC℠ by Bain

Action Results Collaboration. ARC is a state-of-the-art transformation management tool that is fast, flexible, and secure, making it easy to see where your program stands and what needs to happen next to keep projects moving forward.

ARC℠ by Bain

ARC will completely change the way you manage change. Our simple yet powerful transformation management tool enables every member of your team to monitor and accelerate your change management initiatives.

ARC is easy to use, flexible, secure, and comprehensive. It lives up to its name, by fully supporting the Action, Results, and Collaboration that define effective change management.

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We help global leaders with their organization's most critical issues and opportunities. Together, we create enduring change and results

ARC℠ and Bain Academy℠ are service marks and Action Results Collaboration®, Change Power Index®, and Results Delivery® are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc.