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Private Equity

Private Markets Decarbonization Roadmap

Private Markets Decarbonization Roadmap

Providing private equity firms with a common language to communicate where their assets are on their decarbonization journey.

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The Private Markets Decarbonization Roadmap (PMDR) provides a common language that enables private equity firms to disclose their assets’ decarbonization evolution. It recognizes firms’ early-stage progress and builds on existing frameworks, giving firms the flexibility they need to decide what and how to disclose.

Developed by Bain on behalf of the Initiative Climat International (iCI) and the Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Private Equity Task Force, the PMDR will help private equity firms accelerate progress on disclosing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Although such actions can improve operations, increase valuations, and mitigate risks, efforts to decarbonize pose challenges to private equity, given its fiduciary commitments, dynamic fund cycles, and other unique aspects of the industry.

The PMDR was developed with input from more than 250 GPs, LPs and ecosystem players. Whether a company has yet to start, is in the data-capture phase, or is currently delivering against a decarbonization plan, the roadmap can provide essential insights and guidance on how to:

  • Balance emissions-reduction priorities and fiduciary duties
  • Define a clear plan to achieve your ambition
  • Provide practical how-to guidance relevant to a fund’s operational characteristics
  • Address a multi-strategy approach that incorporates advice on the levers available to stakeholders in different asset classes.

