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What’s Hot and What’s Not

Survey respondents highlight the digital trends and technologies rising in importance, and those that are slowing.

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What’s Hot and What’s Not

In Bain & Company’s most recent Digital Insights annual survey of more than 1,200 senior executives, 54% of respondents predict digital will have a significant impact on their industry over the next five years. Within digital, respondents predict that the impact of certain tech trends—including machine learning and artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and virtual and augmented reality—will accelerate. On the flip side, maturing digital trends including mobile and digital engagement, and big data, analytics and visualization, are among those whose impact they expect to slow.

Nate Anderson is a partner in Bain & Company’s Digital practice and is based in the Chicago office. Dunigan O’Keeffe is the leader of Bain’s Strategy practice in the Americas and is based in San Francisco. Ouriel Lancry is Bain & Company’s digital transformation officer and coleads the Global Digital practice. He is based in the firm’s Chicago office.

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