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How we can help

Consumer Lab

Develop a deeper understanding of your customers, beyond their shopping baskets.

Consumer Lab

Your consumers and shoppers are at the heart of your success, but how well do you really know them? Even if your current perceptions are accurate, they’re unlikely to stay that way: consumer preferences and priorities are constantly evolving, influenced by everything from the economy to pop culture to climate concerns.

Bain's Consumer Lab gives you the tools and insights you need to stay fully in synch with where consumers are today, and where they’re likely be tomorrow. We use longitudinal consumer research to track attitudes and behaviors over time and combine that with quantitative and qualitative research to reveal the unvarnished truth about consumers’ lives. Through our hot topic deep-dives, we investigate emerging attitudes and behaviors to strengthen your understanding of today and tomorrow's consumers. 

We provide the insights you need to identify specific tactical opportunities, bridging the gap between consumer behavior and business outcomes. We can help you reveal the “why” behind the data, identify say-do gaps, and explore current trends and future directions. Above all, we go beyond the data to present a nuanced, human portrait of your current and prospective customers. Many companies claim to have a consumer-led strategy. Now you truly can.

Our Insights on Consumer Behavior

Our Consumer Lab Team

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