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Press release

Bain & Company achieves carbon neutrality for the sixth year in a row - Part of the firm's global commitment to fighting climate change

Bain & Company achieves carbon neutrality for the sixth year in a row - Part of the firm's global commitment to fighting climate change

Bain & Company, the global business consulting firm, announced today its sixth annual certification as a 100 percent CarbonNeutral® company – an achievement few can claim, according to Natural Capital Partners, a world-leading provider of carbon emission reduction and renewable energy solutions.

  • junho 09, 2017
  • min read

Press release

Bain & Company achieves carbon neutrality for the sixth year in a row - Part of the firm's global commitment to fighting climate change


NEW YORK – June 9, 2017– Bain & Company, the global business consulting firm, announced today its sixth annual certification as a 100 percent CarbonNeutral® company – an achievement few can claim, according to Natural Capital Partners, a world-leading provider of carbon emission reduction and renewable energy solutions.

This milestone is the result of an employee-led effort to minimize Bain’s carbon footprint through local initiatives across its 55 offices, including energy efficient workspaces, recycling and reduced paper usage. These activities complement firm-wide initiatives, such as server consolidation, increased teleconferencing and the purchase of green energy, which constitutes more than 96 percent of Bain’s electricity consumption. All of this contributed to a reduction in Bain’s overall emissions footprint in 2016, despite robust firm growth.

Bain fully offsets the unavoidable portion of its carbon footprint, including client travel, by investing in renewable energy technologies and conservation initiatives around the world. To date, Bain has invested in nearly 30 sustainability projects in eight countries—including Mississippi Valley restoration in the US, wind power in China, and Amazonian rainforest conservation in Brazil. These projects are only financially viable because of the carbon-finance investments they receive from companies like Bain.

To achieve CarbonNeutral® status, Bain works with Natural Capital Partners. Certification involves a rigorous and independent assessment of seven different greenhouse gas emissions, coupled with an offset-inclusive emissions reduction program.

“Protecting our natural resources makes good business sense,” said Steven Tallman, Bain partner and head of the firm’s global operations. “We’re proud to be a sustainability leader in the global consulting industry with our carbon neutral initiative, a grassroots program led by our internal network of Green Teams. It encourages our people to put their passions to work and helps the firm develop valuable expertise we can share with our clients, who are also concerned about mitigating their carbon footprints.”

Bain’s research shows that while 93 percent of CEOs see sustainability as important to the future success of business, only 2 percent of companies achieve their sustainability goals. The firm works to help its corporate clients beat these odds by accelerating their core business strategies while addressing environmental, social and economic fairness considerations.

“Now more than ever, environmental sustainability is top of mind for many of the executives we work with,” said Jenny Davis-Peccoud, partner at Bain and head of its Sustainability & Corporate Responsibility practice. “Whether climate change is having a direct impact on their supply chains, they want to leave a personal legacy or their employees are advocating for it, the conversation isn’t just about growth for today’s C-suite; it’s about environmentally and socially responsible growth.”

For more information or to arrange an interview with Mr. Tallman or Ms. Davis-Peccoud, please contact Katie Ware at katie.ware@bain.com or +1 646 562 8107.


Sobre a Bain & Company

Somos uma consultoria global que auxilia empresas e organizações a promover mudanças que definam o futuro dos negócios. Com 65 escritórios em 40 países, trabalhamos em conjunto com nossos clientes como um único time, com o propósito compartilhado de obter resultados extraordinários, superar a concorrência e redefinir indústrias. Em 2022, a Bain completou 25 anos de atuação na América do Sul, trabalhando fortemente em conjunto com as maiores companhias líderes de seus segmentos. Complementamos nosso conhecimento especializado integrado e personalizado com um ecossistema de inovação digital a fim de entregar os melhores resultados, com maior rapidez e durabilidade.

Com o compromisso de investir mais de US$ 1 bilhão em serviços pro bono em dez anos, usamos nosso talento, conhecimento especializado e percepção em prol de organizações que enfrentam atualmente os desafios urgentes relacionados ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico, meio ambiente, equidade racial e justiça social. 

Desde nossa fundação em 1973, medimos nosso sucesso pelo de nossos clientes e temos o orgulho de manter o mais alto nível de satisfação em nossa indústria. Saiba mais em www.bain.com.br e em nosso LinkedIn Bain & Company Brasil