Press release
New York – Aug. 10, 2020 – Bain & Company today announced leadership changes within its global Energy & Natural Resources practice. Peter Parry, a veteran partner, global leader and founder of the firm’s Oil & Gas practice, will assume the new role of chairman for Bain & Company’s global Energy & Natural Resources practice. Luis Uriza will succeed Mr. Parry as the global leader of the Oil & Gas practice. Manny Maceda, the firm’s Worldwide Managing Partner, confirmed the appointments today.
In his new role, Mr. Parry will continue to advise chief executives and boards of directors from some of the firm’s most important clients in the energy and natural resources industries. He will also provide ongoing business and professional development guidance to the practice’s senior leadership teams, drawing on his extensive experience across numerous industries and geographies.
“As a leader in the firm’s Oil & Gas practice for over 10 years, Peter has earned the trust of our most senior partners and industry leaders around the world,” said Mr. Maceda. “His reputation and expertise will be invaluable to our largest energy clients as they look to address their most pressing strategy, organization and operations challenges.”
Mr. Uriza, a Bogotá-based partner, will serve as the global leader of the firm’s Oil & Gas practice. In this new role, he will be responsible for further accelerating the growth of Bain’s oil and gas practice, with a specific focus on client development, external recruiting to support the practice’s growth, as well as the management of the practice’s consultants and professional staff.
Prior to this role, Mr. Uriza served as head of the firm’s Americas and EMEA Oil & Gas practices. He has worked extensively with the energy industry's leading players over the past 25 years, including international majors, national oil companies, liquefied natural gas companies, investment funds, multilateral development agencies and other financial institutions. He has also advised oilfield and engineering service companies throughout the US, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa.
“Luis has been instrumental in leading our Americas and EMEAs practices through a tumultuous period for the industry and has a tremendous amount of experience advising top energy executives through unprecedented challenges,” said Joe Scalise, head of the firm’s global Energy & Natural Resources practice. “With this new role, we are thrilled to leverage his level of expertise across all geographies to maximize the value and insights for our clients.”
Editor's Note: To arrange an interview, contact Dan Pinkney at or +1 646 562 8102.
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