Press release
HONG KONG – September 17, 2021 – Bain & Company announced today the launch of its pilot leadership series “Rising Women Leaders in Asia” as part of its ‘Bain Academy’ program. With the aim of creating a regional-based network for rising women leaders, the program will start in Asia Pacific with the aim of expanding into other regions. The inaugural sessions will run from September to December and include a blend of live virtual sessions and digital learning engagements.
In partnership with Bain’s Global Women's Leadership Council, Rising Women Leaders in Asia’s purpose is to equip the next generation of rising women leaders with a toolkit and community for personal and professional growth.
“Helping to develop the next generation of female leaders is an incredibly important priority for us as a firm, and I’m so excited that we are launching this executive program to help a wider network of women gain the benefits of its professional training and learning," said Jennie Tung, expert partner at Bain & Company and global head of Bain Academy. “It’s our hope that through our unique learning experience design of engaging and effective activities, we can truly build an encouraging and risk-taking environment for the female leaders of tomorrow, while at the same time helping to build strong bonds which will help us all grow together.”
Bain Academy offers programs that ensure organizational teams have the strategic capabilities they need to outperform. From inspirational leadership to zero-based budgeting, from the most senior executives to the front line, the training is delivered exclusively by internal Bain experts, highly experienced practitioners who don’t simply teach the material but make sure teams know how to put what they’ve learned into action.
“Asia Pacific is an extremely exciting region for us and so we’re looking forward to pioneering our first women’s executive program here, while expanding across other markets with the same level of excellence.” said Tung.
Editor’s note: For more information or to arrange an interview please contact Nicholas Worley at or +852-2978-8830
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