Infographic Digitalizing Retail: Scaling the Transformation of Store Operations How leading brick-and-mortar retailers scale digital tools without stalling at the pilot stage. 글 Kent Knudson, Mauro Anastasi, Brenton Thompson, Yael Mohan, and Mansoor Kazi 2020년12월11일 Infographic Digitalizing Retail: Scaling the Transformation of Store Operations + en About the Research Data powered by Dynata, a leading global first-party data and insights platform. 저자 Kent Knudson 파트너, Chicago Mauro Anastasi 파트너, Milan Brenton Thompson 부파트너, Chicago Yael Mohan 파트너, Houston Mansoor Kazi 파트너, Washington, DC 문의하기 태그 Service Operations Vector℠ 어드밴스드 애널리틱스 운영 유통 정보기술(IT)