Vogue Business

How the Depop generation thinks

How the Depop generation thinks

Gen Z, the next wave of luxury consumers, are a fluid generation who crave flexibility and think secondhand clothes are cool, according to new research by Depop, produced in collaboration with consultancy Bain.

  • May 31, 2021
  • min read

Vogue Business

How the Depop generation thinks

Don’t expect easy answers. “There are no boundaries anymore between commerce and connections, consumption and production, and even entertainment and entrepreneurship,” says Federica Levato, a partner at Bain, who worked on the report. “This extends to how these generations view life and society, but also fashion. When it comes to newness, this generation has a new lens through which they see ‘new’.”

For Gen Z, the trend cycle continues to quicken, posing a challenge for fashion brand marketers seeking to connect with younger consumers. Some of the motivations for using Depop come as no surprise — 75 per cent of those surveyed are looking to reduce clothing consumption. But their interest in secondhand clothes also has significance beyond save-the-planet instincts. Over half of respondents said they buy secondhand “to find one of a kind pieces”, while 45 per cent use it “to tap into trends”. Secondhand may be sustainable — but it’s also cool.

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