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About Bain

Bain Environmental Policy

Bain Environmental Policy

At Bain & Company we believe deeply in making the world a better place. We are committed to the environment and reducing the footprint of our business operations by identifying, measuring, and offsetting the environmental impact of our global operations.

In order to protect the environment, we apply the precautionary approach as stated in the 1992 Rio Declaration: “Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.” We apply this principle across all our offices globally

As a result of our above commitment, we have:

  • Committed to science-based targets in line with the 1.5-degree pathway and received approval for both near-term targets (2021) and long-term targets (2024)
  • Starting with our 2021 footprint, taken the industry-leading step of committing to achieve net-negative carbon emissions - meaning Bain has voluntarily offset more than 100% of its scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon footprints by purchasing high-quality carbon removal offset credits that have passed Bain's due diligence process
  • Achieved a VCMI Carbon Integrity Platinum claim for our 2022 footprint, verifying that we purchased and retired high-quality carbon removal credits in an amount greater than 100% of our scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions
  • Received an A rating from CDP, the leading global disclosure system for investors, companies, and geographies to manage their environmental impacts, in 2023
  • Received A- on our Supplier Engagement Rating from CDP in 2023
  • Received a Platinum rating from EcoVadis in 2023, for the second year in a row
  • Completed the CDP Water Security questionnaire and published Bain’s first TCFD disclosure in 2023
  • Began investing in technology-based permanent carbon storage, investing in credits from enhanced weathering, biochar, biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS), and concrete curing projects in addition to our portfolio of nature-based removal credits
  • Purchased EACs to cover 100% of the electricity we use each year since 2020
  • Incorporated sustainability risk management into our global governance structure

Looking ahead, we have set the following targets:

  • Overall SBTi target: Commit to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain by 2050
  • Near-term SBTi targets: Reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 30% by 2026 from a 2019 base year and reduce scope 3 emissions from business travel by 35% per employee over the same time period
  • Long-term net zero SBTi targets: Reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 90% by 2050 from a 2019 base year and further reduce scope 3 GHG emissions 97% per FTE by 2050 from a 2019 base year
  • Renewable electricity SBTi target: Commit to continue annually sourcing 100% renewable electricity through 2050
  • Divert 90% of our waste from landfills by 2030
  • Committed to provide safely managed drinking water services and safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water to 100% of our employees
  • Committed to reduce our water withdrawal by 15% per employee by 2030 from a 2023 base year

Our four commitments to environmental sustainability

1. Identifying, measuring, and offsetting the environmental impact of our global operations

  • We pursue higher-than-required standards in our carbon footprint calculations and commit to offset more than 100% of our annual emissions by purchasing high-quality carbon removal offset credits, as a part of our Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCMI) Pledge

2. Reducing our impact on the environment through both global and local operations initiatives

  • Bain Green Teams across the globe work to reduce our carbon footprint, where possible, and promote sustainable consumption
  • We have implemented mechanisms to incentivize teams to reduce scope 3 business travel-related emissions for internal travel
  • We are dedicated to reducing energy consumption and waste generation resulting from our business operations, by implementing the use of smart lights and recyclable materials in our offices
  • Through our Sustainable Procurement function, Bain also incorporates sustainability into supplier sourcing and management

3. Using natural resources sustainably, minimizing pollution and protecting biodiversity

  • We take into consideration the long-term implications of our operations in terms of global warming impact, water usage, biodiversity, and deforestation, and strive every day to reduce our environmental footprint
  • We commit to reduce our water consumption and use water resources responsibly in line with UN SDG 6, minimize water pollution generated by our offices, and promote water stewardship through our capacity building engagements with stakeholders such as clients, employees and suppliers
  • We prioritize investing in offset projects which have environmental co-benefits including biodiversity, freshwater, and natural resource preservation

4. Maintaining full compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and other obligations

  • Bain acknowledges its responsibility to act as an ethical corporate citizen of the world at large, including adherence to all ESG regulations in countries where it operates
  • On certain issues where we have more stringent internal requirements, we operate to even higher standards than what is required by law

Helping clients become better environmental stewards

We help our corporate clients be better stewards of the environment—integrating sustainability goals and priorities into their core strategy and operations, designing "greener" supply chains, and meeting the needs of a range of stakeholders, including suppliers, employees, and community members. In 2023, we completed more than 850 climate and sustainability projects across transitions, industries and capabilities, all geographies, helping our corporate clients identify opportunities and develop robust business cases to make sustainability a source of ongoing and increasing value. For more information, refer to our Further practice.

Our passion for sustainability also extends to our work with nonprofit sector clients. We invest in pro bono consulting support for innovative and effective environmental nonprofits to help them reach their full potential and drive transformative social impact:

  • We have partnered with 300+ nonprofit clients to date across five pillars: Education, Economic Development, Energy and Carbon Transition, Food Systems & Nature and Racial Equity & Social Justice. The firm invested over $270 million in pro bono work in 2023, working with more than 80 non-profit clients, and is on track to fulfill its entire $1.1B commitment by 2025
  • We have developed a deep, multi-year relationship with The Nature Conservancy, the world’s leading conservation organization, and are expanding our expertise across a wide variety of environmental topics, including forestry, sustainable food production, protection of marine fisheries, and land and water conservation
  • We collaborate with innovative companies working to ensure equitable access to safe drinking water and sanitation globally through its Global Development Network (GDEV) affiliation group and social impact externships
  • By taking these steps, we demonstrate the priority we place on minimizing our environmental impact. With our science-based targets aligned to SBTi’s 1.5°C pathway, we reinforce our pledge to reduce the impact of our operations on Earth’s climate, continuing our environmental leadership role in the professional services industry.