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Stephanie Koszyk

Practice Director,


À propos de Stephanie

Stephanie Koszyk is a member of our Global and Americas Retail practice.

An expert in the online grocery sector and on our Advanced Retail Buying solution, Stephanie is also a core author of our annual Retail Holiday Newsletter. She regularly advises clients across sectors including food and beverage, warehouse clubs, cash and carry stores, and general merchandise.

She specializes in performance improvement, technology and organization design.

Stephanie's chief case work has included the IT transformation of a $14B US food service company and a store operations transformation program for a $14B US retailer.

Apart from her client engagements, she is an active member of our Women at Bain program, local recruiting efforts and Toronto ESPRIT committee.

Stephanie holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, where she was designated a Baker Scholar. She also earned a B.A. in Business Administration and Management from the Richard Ivey School of Business and a B.E.Sc. in Integrated Engineering from Western University.

She is trained in Agile Scrum ways of working.

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