Dry Powder: The Private Equity Podcast

The easiest way to grasp the power of advanced analytics is simply to consider the clickstream data of the typical shopper. As she searches Amazon, scrolls through websites and taps at apps, that shopper is feeding a whole new stream of behavioral data into due diligence models. But B2C data is only the beginning of advanced analytics, according to Richard Lichtenstein, who oversees advanced analytics for the Private Equity practice at Bain & Company. Listen to part two of my interview with Richard below.
“What’s surprising, I think, to a lot of people is that in B2B, you can actually get a lot of the same kind of data,” Richard told me in the previous episode of Dry Powder. If you haven’t yet heard that episode, definitely go back and listen, as it’s an essential primer on advanced analytics.
But if you’re ready to go to the cutting edge, tune into the second part of our discussion, as Richard describes some of the revealing data he scrapes from less-explored quarters of the web—from online forums where employees can vent about a target company, to network graphs that carry the traces of attrition and churn. He'll also describe a tool that enables Bain’s global clients to spot market opportunities anywhere in the world, down to a single zip code.
Catch new episodes by subscribing to Dry Powder on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you may listen.

The Private Equity Podcast
In our podcast series, Bain's Hugh MacArthur interviews leading experts on the trends and opportunities that will redefine the private equity industry.