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Advanced Retail Buying

Retailers collect vast amounts of data but often struggle to derive real value from it. Advanced Retail Buying helps you unlock the full value of your data so you can grow categories significantly while reducing costs.

Advanced Retail Buying

Why Bain

Why Bain

  • Our deep understanding of customer behavior combined with our Advanced Analytics capabilities helps you reach valuable insights you can share with suppliers as you collaborate on category growth strategies.
  • We have worked with mass-market retailers, grocery chains, office supply stores and many other categories of retailers, consistently helping them reduce the cost of goods sold by 2%–5%, and in some cases more.
  • Our customized buyer toolkit enables you to gather data across many disparate internal sources, without modifying legacy systems.
  • We work side by side with your buying team to build your organization’s capabilities and transfer knowledge to buyers.

기대 효과

기대 효과

Our Retail Buying Consultants

Our Insights on Retail Buying

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