About Yuki

Tell us about your work journey.

Since joining Bain as a new graduate in April 2021, I have engaged in strategic planning and decision-making support for Japanese companies in various industries. At Bain, even new graduates in their first year of work are expected to deliver value to clients as a professional. I have experienced both the difficulty and the excitement of this in the projects I have been involved in over the past two years. Even as an associate consultant, who is often responsible for tasks such as analyzing and taking minutes, I am required to think not only about the surface of the client's problems but also about "What is the real problem?” “Why is the problem happening?”  You need to keep thinking about these questions to be able to produce valuable work. Although I am still in the midst of my further development, I want to continue working as a consultant so that I can contribute to my clients to help them reach their full potential.

Why Bain? To what do you credit your success here?

I chose Bain because of our spirit of "True North" and supportive culture that is often expressed by "A Bainie never lets another Bainie fail.” I strongly empathized with Bain's approach to consulting work, which is to convey what is truly right for the client, rather than what sounds good to clients or what is generally believed to be true. I also felt a sense of security in the environment where we could help each other in challenging work. Even after joining the company, I have often experienced such a culture, and I sincerely feel that I am glad that I chose Bain.

Tell us the Bain project you were involved in that makes you the proudest.

One of the memorable projects I’ve worked on was helping a client formulate their mid-to-long-term strategy and IR communication. When we formulated the strategy and communicated the results of our analysis of the relationship between the strategy and the ongoing measures to the client, It was very rewarding to receive appreciation from the client’s top management. Based on this analysis, we were able to successfully develop an IR presentation that tied the strategy to the status of the current business and received a high evaluation from the capital market. This was a great project that led to excellent results for our client.