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Leaders at Managing Change Rank Highly with Employees

Companies with high Change Power have a strong culture, leadership and employees who are engaged and inspired.

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Leaders at Managing Change Rank Highly with Employees

In business, change was accelerating even before the coronavirus upended everything, and the impact on work has been profound. For instance, one-third of all US workers have already performed some type of gig work, and CEO turnover hit a new record in 2019. Companies that are adept at managing change—that have a high Change Power Index℠—also enjoy important advantages in attracting and retaining great talent. Their CEOs and senior management teams earn higher approval ratings, and twice as many of their employees report being very inspired by their jobs. These companies also have particularly strong cultures, our research has found.

Change Power Index℠ is a service mark of Bain & Company, Inc.

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Change Power Index® is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc.