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David Michels



Managing Partner of Bain Japan

À propos de David

David Michels is the managing partner of Bain Japan and a senior Transformation coach.

Over his 25+ year career at Bain, David has led transformations across multiple industries and geographies, including the U.S., South America, Europe, India, and Japan. 

He works with companies on all aspects of the transformation process—from structuring the program, to orchestrating the change, to energizing the organization. David is known for his ability to inspire executives and their teams and roll up his sleeves to help them deliver sustained results. His approach emphasizes the power of inspirational leadership, insight-rich analytics, and pragmatic co-creation.

David is a leader in Bain’s Global Change and Transformation Practice and regularly publishes on related topics, including in Harvard Business Review and a monthly column in Forbes.com.

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