Press release

Bain & Company joins TM Forum to help communications service providers navigate digital transformation

Bain & Company joins TM Forum to help communications service providers navigate digital transformation

Bain & Company is pleased to announce it has joined TM Forum, the industry association driving digital transformation through collaboration, to help communications service providers (CSPs) and their suppliers to digitally transform and thrive in the digital era.

  • settembre 19, 2019
  • Tempo di lettura min.

Press release

Bain & Company joins TM Forum to help communications service providers navigate digital transformation

NEW YORK – September 19, 2019 – Bain & Company is pleased to announce it has joined TM Forum, the industry association driving digital transformation through collaboration, to help communications service providers (CSPs) and their suppliers to digitally transform and thrive in the digital era.

As profit pools decline, mobile and fixed services converge, and business boundaries in the broader ecosystem blur, telcos around the world are seeking to better understand their customers, build superior networks, find a sustainable path to growth and achieve cost leadership while maintaining a high-performance organization.

“Telecom operators are waging a war for connectivity and customer intimacy,” said Frédéric Debruyne, head of the firm’s Telco practice in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.  “As a member of TM Forum, we will be better able to contribute to the organization’s collaboration and collective problem-solving aimed at maximizing the business success of communication and digital service providers and their ecosystem of suppliers.”

Bain & Company helps telcos use digital and advanced analytics to deliver on core strategy, improve customer satisfaction and operate smarter and faster, through its Simple & Digital approach, a battle-test program to simplify operations and generate increased revenue.  

Bain partner, Steffen Roehn, was recently elected chairman of the TM Forum, and Mr. Debruyne presented at the Digital Transformation World conference back in May.

“We’re pleased to welcome Bain & Company to TM Forum,” said Nik Willetts, CEO, TM Forum.  “As a member, Bain & Company can leverage the collective intelligence of the industry through our Collaboration Community of CSPs, suppliers and others working together to create practical toolkits and widely-adopted frameworks, including Open APIs. This collaboration drives the execution of CSPs’ digital transformation and has a profound impact on our members, the marketplace, and society as a whole.”

As a neutral, non-profit member organization, TM Forum leads collaboration between CSPs, technology suppliers, consultancies, and systems integrators to solve the collective problems of digital transformation. The association is comprised of more than 90,000 professionals from over 850 member companies that generate US$2 trillion in revenue and serve five billion customers across 180 countries.

Editor's Note: To arrange an interview, contact Dan Pinkney at or +1 646 562 8102

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A proposito di Bain & Company

Bain & Company è l’azienda di consulenza globale che aiuta le aziende change-makers più ambiziose a definire il proprio futuro. Con 65 uffici in 40 paesi, lavoriamo insieme ai nostri clienti come un unico team con un obiettivo condiviso: raggiungere risultati straordinari che superino i concorrenti e ridefiniscano gli standard del settore. L’approccio consulenziale di Bain è altamente personalizzato e integrato e, grazie alla creazione di un ecosistema di innovatori digitali, assicura ai clienti risultati migliori e più duraturi, in tempi più brevi. Il nostro impegno a investire oltre 1 miliardo di dollari in 10 anni in servizi pro bono mette il nostro talento, la nostra competenza e le nostre conoscenze a disposizione delle organizzazioni che affrontano le sfide di oggi in materia di istruzione, equità razziale, giustizia sociale, sviluppo economico e ambiente. Fondata nel 1973 a Boston, in Italia ha celebrato il trentennale nel 2019: la sua approfondita competenza e il portafoglio di clienti si estendono a ogni settore industriale ed economico e in Italia la rendono leader di mercato.

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