
Ouriel Lancry: Building a Digital Transformation Strategy

In this video series, Bain Chief Digital Officer Ouriel Lancry discusses how companies can understand and implement the steps needed to transform for a digital world.


Ouriel Lancry: Building a Digital Transformation Strategy

By starting early and deploying the right approach, companies can make progress on digital transformation. Ouriel Lancry, Bain’s chief digital officer, describes the four pillars of digital transformation—digital strategy, business model, enablers and orchestration—and the value of key concepts such as rediscovering your customers’ raw need and simultaneously working “today forward” and “future back.”

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Digitale Transformationen erfolgreich steuern

Durch die Fokussierung auf die Schlüsselfaktoren der Digitalisierung werden Unternehmen fit für die Zukunft.

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Digital Transformation: A Roadmap

How to reinvent your company for its digital future.

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