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Asia-Pacific Private Equity: Dry Powder Grows to $477 Billion—a New High

Total unspent private equity capital at Asia-Pacific-focused funds represents 3.2 years of future investment.

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Asia-Pacific Private Equity: Dry Powder Grows to $477 Billion—a New High

Despite a sharp drop in fund-raising in the Asia-Pacific region in 2020, dry powder grew to a new high as market uncertainty triggered by Covid-19 and high valuations kept some investors on the sidelines. General partners raised peak sums during the past few years, so most are well-positioned today to delay fund-raising until market conditions improve. Total unspent private equity capital at Asia-Pacific-focused funds rose 22% to a record $477 billion, representing 3.2 years of future investment, up from 2.7 years in 2019.

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