Beyond the Bio Podcast

(Encore) Not Settling Down: Finding Non-Linear Opportunities for Growth

Hernan Saenz, a partner in our Dallas office and founder of our Familia at Bain affinity group, is an advocate for taking the non-linear path and pursuing opportunities that will help you grow and give you energy. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, this re-released episode shares not only Hernan’s journey to Bain, but how the firm supports professionals with Hispanic, Latino/a/x, Chicano/a or Latin American heritage or interests. Hear Hernan’s story and learn more about our Familia at Bain affinity group.


(Encore) Not Settling Down: Finding Non-Linear Opportunities for Growth

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Imagine walking down a road and you approach a fork. You have two choices. One option takes you down a linear path: comfortable yet predictable. The other option is non-linear: uncomfortable and unexpected, but you’ll see tremendous growth (in your skills, profession, personally, etc.). It’s your moment, what do you choose?   

For Hernan, a partner and head of our global Performance Improvement practice, he accepted the unpredictability and chose the latter. When he mixed that with a place like Bain, the outcomes were endless opportunities to work out of various offices around the world, leadership roles and a seat on our board of directors. Looking back, he knows he made the right decision.  

Hear about his journey to getting comfortable with uncertainty as he encourages you to make moves that give you learning, energy and interest—all accumulated into a career of successive goals.    


Beyond the Bio Podcast

In Beyond the Bio, Keith Bevans, partner and global head of consultant recruiting, dives deeper into the stories of some extraordinary Bain people, from their perspectives.
