Our Sustainability

Our Sustainability

Our sustainable impact doesn’t stop at client work. We believe in leading by example, so we embed a deep commitment to social and environmental standards in everything we do. 

Our Sustainability

Sustainability isn’t something we just talk to others about. Certified carbon neutral since 2012 and regularly ranked as one of the best places to work, Bain strives every day to reduce our environmental footprint, enhance employee well-being, practice the highest levels of ethics and procure supplies and services sustainably.

Let's Go Further

We’re bringing the full force of our talent and expertise to create a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive world.

See how

A Letter From Our CEO

A Letter From Our CEO

imagebxp1p.png"Sustainability has become an imperative for us all. Environmental challenges are growing while timelines for addressing them are contracting. For that reason, we will continue to embed sustainability into our overall firm strategy, our client communications and our procurement practices."

― Manny Maceda, Worldwide Managing Partner



CDP A List for Climate Change

Named leading company on CDP’s A List for Climate Change

Platinum rating from EcoVadis

This rating puts us at the top 1% of all companies rated by EcoVadis in 2023 and is the result of a global effort by the firm to achieve exceptional levels of corporate responsibility and sustainability.

Carbon Integrity Platinum

Achieved Platinum Claim by demonstrating progress towards our Net Zero goals and by retiring high-quality carbon credits that facilitated the removal of more than 100% of our 2022 emissions from the atmosphere

CDP Supplier Engagement Leader

Named leading company on CDP's 2022 Supplier Engagement Leaderboard

Bain’s support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Learn more

Sustainability at Bain

Sustainability at Bain


  • Starting with our 2021 carbon footprint, Bain is net-negative carbon, offsetting more than 100% of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions with nature-based carbon removal projects. The firm plans to achieve net-negative status every year going forward.
  • Bain has committed to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions—from activities such as heating and powering its offices—by 30% by 2026 from a 2019 baseline, and further commits to reduce its scope 3 emissions from business travel by 35% per employee over the same time period. Our emissions reduction targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement and are considered ambitious. The SBTi’s Target Validation Team has classified our scope 1 and 2 target ambition as in line with a 1.5°C trajectory.
  • We have long been a sustainability frontrunner in the industry, achieving carbon neutral status for the past ten years in a row. Since 2011, we have reduced our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 84% by converting to 100% renewable electricity, improving the energy efficiency of our office spaces and finding ways to reduce waste from our operations. In 2014, we set a goal to get to a 90% reduction by 2030.
  • Since 2012, Bain has been formally certified by Natural Capital Partners as a CarbonNeutral® company across its global operations. We offset 100% of all our Scope 1 & 2 greenhouse gas emissions and all business travel emissions, including all flights, hotels and taxis.
  • We signed the Business Ambition for 1.5⁰C commitment letter in 2020, committing to achieve 100% net-zero carbon across all of our operations by 2030.
  • Our local office green teams are made up of employees who are passionate about reducing our environmental impact and who champion local sustainability initiatives. They help us to further minimize waste and conserve energy around the globe.


Diversity, equity and inclusion are central to creating the extraordinary teams required to generate breakthrough results for our clients, and that includes diversity of experience, background, strengths and perspective.

We continue to build our understanding of these issues, including the need to address unconscious bias. Helping to lead these efforts are our aforementioned six formal global affinity groups.

In addition to our internal efforts, we are active participants in the broader dialogue about diversity and inclusion; we have published extensively on this topic, including a number of pieces on gender parity.


Bain continuously strives to conduct business in a sustainable and responsible way by enhancing our governance and risk management policies and procedures, and expanding our training programs on professionalism and ethical standards, and sourcing and procuring in a sustainable way.


ベインは、Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI)の一環として、2030年までにCO2排出量ゼロを達成する誓約を結んでいます。


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