Columbia Business School
Bain has a long tradition of recruiting MBA graduates from CBS, and we have a dedicated team to help you make the right career choice. We’d love to meet you at an upcoming event.
Opportunities for students
Explore our student resources, internships, and programs to find your fit at Bain.
Jump-start your consulting career
Learn from the best at one of the world's most prestigious firms.
Management Consulting
Build your toolkit to become a future general manager.
Additional work areas at Bain
Analytics, Data, & Research
Arbeite mit erfahrenen Kolleg:innen im Bereich Data, Research und Analytics.
Business Operations
Sorge dafür, dass bei Bain alles reibungslos funktioniert.
Finde eine Rolle, die zu deiner Design-Spezialisierung passt.
Gestalte eine renommierte Marke, leite Kampagnen, veröffentliche redaktionelle Inhalte und berate Kund:innen.
Product Management & Innovation
Arbeite in einem dynamischen Team im Produkt- und Innovationsbereich.
Talent & Human Resources
Rekrutiere Talente und unterstütze unsere Bainies in ihrer persönlichen Weiterentwicklung.
Technology & Engineering
Werde Expert:in in den Bereichen Technology & Engineering.
Our team
We have a dedicated team on campus recruiting students like you.
Bain alumni on campus
Bain alumni on campus
Connect with former Bain employees on your campus to get insight into what it's like to work here.
Class of 2025 - Former Bain Employees
Abhinav Kumar - Chicago
Alfonso Valenzuela - Santiago
Aline Alves - Sao Paulo
Amanda Fan - Kuala Lumpur
Chiara Bronzini - Bogota
Diego Petrella - Sao Paulo
Eugenia Medone - Buenos Aires
Facundo Valdemoros - Buenos Aires
Francisco Acosta - Santiago
Ignacio Frías - Santiago
Isis Duaik - Sao Paulo
Jacob Schiele - London
José Pinheiro Neto - Sao Paulo
Josh Abreo - New York
Juan Barreto - Bogota
Lucas Antunes Orsini - Sao Paulo
Lucas Silva - Sao Paulo
Lucy Hanaway - Chicago
Manuel Linero Restrepo - Bogota
Mayank Sharma - Dallas
Meghan Vinnicombe - Washington DC
Mori Mori - Sao Paulo
Quin Ferrante - New York
Raghav Mehta - San Francisco/Silicon Valley
Samantha Abello - New York
Santiago Pelaez - Buenos Aires
Sarah Nelson - New York
Shohei Koshiro - Tokyo
Sorcha O'Byrne - London
Sumer Sehgal - Chicago
Tyler Shevin - New York
Class of 2025 - Former Bain Summer Associates
Barbara Arze - Santiago
Ethan Duan - Shanghai
Hannah Needle - New York
Jeff O'Brien - New York
Laila Aziem - Madrid
Manny Prieto - Washington DC
Maria Iglesias - San Francisco/Silicon Valley
Paige Prieto - Washington DC
Stephanie Randall - New York
Class of 2026 - Former Bain Employees
Alex Aguilera - New York
Alexa Austin - Chicago
Ana Baco - New York
Ana Ossa - San Francisco/Silicon Valley
Carolina Raposo - Rio de Janeiro
Coco Cai - Washington DC
Cole DeYoung - Austin
Dana Spinadel - Buenos Aires
Felipe Gatos - New York
Gyul Han - Seoul
Henrique Duarte - Rio de Janeiro
Kalab Begna - New York
Margaret Silliman - Atlanta
Misan Bolorunfe - New York
Natália Moura Aravéquia - Sao Paulo
Nicole Hong - New York
Shu Wei Ng - London
Taehyun UM - Seoul
Yos Simbolon - Jakarta
Yoshitetsu Higashi - Tokyo
Our Events
On campus, online or in your neighborhood. We'll meet you virtually anywhere.