Katherine Shaul


San Francisco

Internet and mobile media specialist with sophisticated capabilities in the private equity space.

Biografie Katherine



  • Member of our San Francisco Moms at Bain leadership team
  • Former Bay Area consultant program manager

Katherine Shaul is a member of our Telecommunications, Media and Technology (TMT) and Private Equity practices.

Her recent work, predominantly in tandem with internet and mobile media firms, has spanned new product development, social media, ticketing, consumer electronics, education technology, and point-of-sale (POS) systems.

Her core work has included supporting a Fortune 100 technology company in the design and launch of a new consumer hardware product family.

She also regularly leads diligence initiatives for private equity funds, with focus on consumer and digital businesses.

Katherine is a member of our San Francisco office’s Moms at Bain leadership team and previously served as our consultant program manager for the Bay Area.

She holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor’s degree in psychology and communications from Northwestern University.

A mom of two, Katherine enjoys jogging, reading in the sunshine, and exploring national parks with her family.

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