Luba Mandzy Herring

Expert Associate Partner,



Luba Mandzy Herring is a member of our Change Management and Implementation practice.

Luba joined the firm in 2008 and has worked in Europe, Asia and the United States. She has worked in financial services, technology, oil & gas, and the social and public sectors across topics, including strategy, transformation, customer experience, performance improvement and organizational re-alignment.

Luba now specializes in Co-creation and Team Collaboration. Her work focuses on building leadership alignment through transformational co-creative experiences that foster understanding and commitment, and in engaging organizations with the content and communications required to deliver lasting change.  Luba is responsible for supporting clients in these areas and developing intellectual property.

Luba is actively involved in our social impact work and has served as Director of Development for a leading UK-based youth and community charity. She holds a B.A. from Harvard University and DPhil in Environmental Science from the University of Oxford.

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